Older Side Projects

Hi, thank you for taking the time to visit my portfolio. I'm working on creating a brand new website to showcase my latest projects. The current portfolio you're browsing is from 2019 and does not accurately represent my current skillset. If you're interested in viewing more recent projects, I invite you to explore my pinned projects on GitHub. Thank you for your understanding!
BookInventory is a web application built with the MERN stack that allows you to keep record of all your books, the application involves a complete CRUD operation. you can checkout the website by clicking the link
Skada is an intra-city delivery app that helps small e-commerce businesses handle logistic services, I worked together with some other persons durng my Internship at Genesys in the building this application.
errand4me is a website that allows you save time, by asking us to help you run your errands. you can checkout the website by clicking the link
DayPlanner is a small web application that allows you to plan your day. I built DayPlanner while practising object oriented programminng and module pattern, using es5 features.

my skills